92- MDT as a biopsychosocial framework with Thanos Kontos

Jan 26, 2023

💭 “MDT has great potential to be used as a biopsychosocial assessment and management tool”. - Thanos Kontos

👉🏻 Our guest is Thanos Kontos PT, MSc (Pain), Dip MDT.  Thanos graduated as a physiotherapist in 2012, in Greece. He completed the Diploma in Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy (Dip MDT), in 2019 and started his master's degree in pain sciences, at the University of Athens in Greece. He became a faculty member of the McKenzie Institute at the end of 2022. He works as a specialist musculoskeletal clinical physiotherapist in private practice, dealing with the diagnosis and management of complex conditions, and has a special interest in chronic/persistent musculoskeletal pain. He has participated as a speaker and as a member of the scientific and organizational committee in scientific meetings and conferences and since 2015 he has been a scientific associate of the McKenzie Institute Hellas-Cyprus. He is a member of the Hellenic Society of Algology.


📚What will you learn:

▪️ Thanos's story and career

▪️ Evidence-practice gap in the biopsychosocial model

▪️  How MDT fits in the biopsychosocial framework

▪️ The drivers of pain and disability

▪️ The cornerstones of an MDT biopsychosocial approach

▪️ Advice to clinicians who are starting their careers

▪️ How to become successful in Physical Therapy


🔎Thanos's favorite resource of information:

  • Interact with other clinicians
  • Social media
  • Google Scholar notifications
  • Read books/literature from other specialties/sciences


📲 Thanos's contact information:


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