87- MDT & Cervicogenic Dizziness with Bridget Scholljegerdes

Jan 19, 2023

💭 “Often, 60 to 70% of my patients that are coming in for dizziness, I am treating them as cervicogenic dizziness which I would say is a cervical derangement.” - Bridget Scholljegerdes

👉🏻Our guest is Bridget Scholljegerdes, PT, Cert. MDT. Bridget is the clinical director of Fyzical Therapy and Balance Center in Las Cruces, NM.  Bridget graduated as a physical therapist from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1999.  She has worked in multiple settings including acute, rehab, SNF, and hospital-based outpatient, and has found her home in private practice outpatient for the last 12 years. Bridget was certified in MDT in 2014.  Her interests in PT are all things mechanical diagnosis and therapy and helping people who suffer from chronic pain utilizing capnometry, breathing mechanics, and World of Hurt education. She also treats SIJ dysfunctions.  Her newfound special interest and 60% of her patients suffer from cervicogenic dizziness.  Bridget is the owner and head coach at Elevate Gymnastics & Athletics.  Her other passion is helping gymnasts have a healthy, strong, and long career in gymnastics and then become healthy adults. She is a wife, mother, and gymnastics judge who loves to travel, workout, triathlons, and building character. 

📚What will you learn:

▪️ Bridget's story and career

▪️ Dizziness classification

▪️ Vertigo vs Dizziness

▪️ Assessing and treating cervicogenic dizziness with MDT

▪️ Assessing and treating tinnitus with MDT

▪️ Advice to clinicians who are starting their careers

▪️ How to become successful in Physical Therapy

 🔎Bridget 's favorite resource of information:

  • https://vestibular.org/
  • Fyzical College

📲Bridget ’s contact information:


Email: [email protected]

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