83- Site Selection & Owning vs Leasing your PT clinic with Winston Parks

Dec 29, 2022

💭 “Most of the time, the real estate you purchased is now worth more than the actual business you have built over a 10-15 year period. Rather than just selling your practice, you sell your practice and the real estate and you have made more money. `` - Winston Parks


👉🏻Our guest is Winston Warren Parks. Winston received his undergraduate degree from the University of Tennessee – Knoxville where he focused on Finance & Logistics. He received his Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Memphis with a focus on Finance. Winston is the President of Winston Warren, a Nashville-based real estate company focused on providing development, brokerage, analytics, and investment services. He is experienced in the development of single-tenant net lease properties, site selection, market and trade area analysis, lease negotiation and purchase contracts, acquisition, disposition, entitlements, and helping companies expand into new markets and/or states. Winston earned the coveted Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation from the CCIM Institute in 2019. He is a member of the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Nashville chapter and he volunteers with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee.


📚What will you learn:

▪️ Winston's story and career

▪️ What PTs need to know about commercial real estate

▪️ What PTs should look for when deciding on a new location

▪️ Buying vs leasing

▪️ Advice to clinicians wanting to expand their practices

▪️ Growing wealth with your PT practice


📲Winston’s contact information:


Email: [email protected]


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