82- Survival vs Survivorship - returning childhood cancer survivors to a meaningful life. with Dr. Amanda Curry

Dec 28, 2022

💭 “ Increase the overall survivorship of these kids instead of just focusing on their survival, it’s not just about they are still here but what is the quality of their being here.`` - Dr. Amanda Gentz Curry

👉🏻 Our guest is Dr. Amanda Gentz Curry, PT, DPT. Dr. Curry earned her doctorate in physical therapy from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in 2011 and has worked in the acute care setting since graduation. Working first with adults in a large urban hospital in Memphis, TN she swore she would never work in pediatrics until an opportunity in 2017 led her to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. There she started the early mobility program in the PICU with her fellow rehab and critical care team members. She passed her Oncology Specialty Certification exam in 2021 and continues her work in the acute care setting. Since 2020 she has dove more into the world of somatics and the mind-body connection, bringing these modalities to her patients as they traverse their cancer journey. She is a wife and mother and in her spare time likes being outdoors, traveling, working out, and learning about anything that interests her.


📚What will you learn:

▪️ Amanda's story and career

▪️ Incidence of childhood and pediatric cancer and survivorship

▪️ Treatment in the USA vs other countries

▪️ CA and treatment related impairments

▪️ PT role in acute and chronic CA related impairments

▪️ Advice to clinicians that are starting their careers

▪️ How to become successful in Physical Therapy


🔎Amanda's favorite resource of information:

  1. Pubmed
  2. APTA - Oncology session
  3. St. Jude
  4. https://www.cancer.gov/


📲Amanda’s contact information:

Facebook: Amanda Gentz Curry

IG: @thesomaticdpt

E-mail: [email protected]

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