80- MDT and GOATA, a perfect fit! with Lee Poston

Dec 26, 2022

💭 “GOATA is mechanically changing how we move. When you start moving the wrong way, we literary tear our bodies up over time. - Lee Poston


👉🏻 Our guest is Lee Poston PT, Dip. MDT, C.S.C.S, Practicing GOATA Coach and Co-owner of Therapeutic Associates of Maui. Lee has been a PT for 28 years. He has worked in acute care, and sports medicine clinics, and was a traveling PT for about 3 years. He took his first MDT course in 1999 and his world was flipped upside down. He became a McKenzie Diplomat in 2009. He was also a CrossFit Box owner and experienced a knee injury that lead him over the years to GOATA. After recoding and feeling the difference, he has worked on increasing his knowledge/skills and has implemented them into his PT practice. Lee feels GOATA is the perfect complement to the genius that is MDT. Lee believes, like Robin McKenzie, Coach Jose “Gil” Boesch is a genius as he was able to search and recognize the correct movement pattern and prevent himself from a lumbar fusion due to repeated disc herniations at 3 levels in his late 20’s and early 30’s.


📚What will you learn:

▪️ Lee's story and career

▪️ How to combine GOATA and MDT

▪️ How to change a patient's behavior

▪️ Recurrence rate using GOATA

▪️ Importance of landing and leaving the ground

▪️ Best way to mechanically move

▪️ Identifying the worst of all-time movers

▪️ Advice to clinicians that are starting their careers

▪️ How to become successful in Physical Therapy


🔎Lee's favorite resource of information:

1- Mckenzie books

2 - Does it matter which exercise? A randomized control trial of exercise for low back pain - Audrey Long

3- Instagram: @gls_training; @red_pill.rick; @lynngrimmpt


📲Lee’s contact information:

Website: www.therapymaui.com

E-mail: [email protected]

IG: @island_goata

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