63 - Building a Cash-Pay, Virtual Care Model Using MDT with Brent Cunning

Dec 01, 2022

💭” The more training you get, the better you are, the less money you make in the fee for service model.” - Brent Cunning


👉🏻 Our guest is Brent Cunning, Advanced Practice PT, Cert. MDT. Brent is an advanced practice physical therapist with a special focus on low back pain diagnosis, treatment, and triage. He trained with orthopaedic spine surgeons, neurosurgeons, interventional radiologists, pain specialists, and rheumatologists learning to interpret spine MRIs, CTs, and radiographs. He triaged over 2500 low back pain cases over 3 years for the spine and neurosurgeons in London, Ontario, Canada determining appropriateness for exercise-based care, imaging, injection, medication, or surgical intervention. He helped transition this program to virtual delivery at the onset of COVID using MDT to maintain assessment and treatment quality. Brent left this role in 2021 and is now involved full-time in DisruptionMSK, a project he has been building since 2017. DisruptionMSK is an education platform designed to help MDT providers build profitable virtual care practices, create awareness of MDT among individuals with MSK pain and primary care providers through mass digital marketing, create an online collaborative network of like-minded MDT entrepreneurs, build value-based collaborations between MDT clinicians and primary care providers, and ultimately get a repeated exam on the front-end of every orthopaedic assessment across disciplines, across the world.


📚What will you learn:

▪️ Brent's story and career

▪️ MDT clinicians getting financially penalized

▪️ Business model for MDT clinic owners

▪️ Fee for Service Model vs Case Rate

▪️ How consumer behavior is changing

▪️ Advice to clinicians that are starting their careers

▪️ How to become successful in Physical Therapy


🔎Brent's favorite resource of information:

1- Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder: 3. 2014. Nassim Nicholas Taleb

2- Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life.2018. Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

3- Marcus Aurelius - Meditations


📲Brent's contact information:


Facebook and Linked In: @BrentCunning

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