49- GOATA (Greatest of All Time Athletes) - Lynn Grimm

Nov 12, 2022

💭” To quote the founder: “ GOATA is a simple way to have endurance durable, connective tissues security, and explosive fluid movement, and the movement was discovered by watching super athletes and babies.”.” - Lynn Grimm

👉🏻 Our guest is Lynn Grimm, PT, Dip. MDT, GOATA coach and owner of Grimm Physical Therapy. Lynn has been practicing physical therapy for over 35 years and has worked in many teaching hospitals including Tulane Medical Center, Touro Infirmary, and Charity Hospital where she specialized in in-patient and out-patient orthopedics.  Lynn got Diplomat in MDT in 2016 and has been using GOATA for one and a half years. Lynn believes that the quality and individualization of GOATA movement is the perfect pairing for her McKenzie practice. ``GOATA , like McKenzie, brings common sense, self-care, and the right movement back to medicine``.

📚What will you learn:

▪️ Lynn's story and career

▪️ What is GOATA

▪️ GOATA movement patterns

▪️ GOATA’s assessment, treatment, and results

▪️ Advice to clinicians that are starting their careers

▪️ How to become successful in Physical Therapy


🔎Lynn's favorite resource of information:

  1. Instagram:@Goata_loco                 @Red_pill.rick                 @Gls_training                 @scottholmespt
  2. POWERED BY GOATA: MOVE LIKE THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME ATHLETES: Bulletproof your joints and spine by using the same injury-resistant movement secrets of the multi-decade super athletes. Jose Boesch. 2019
  3. Pain Free: A Revolutionary Method for Stopping Chronic Pain. Pete Egoscue. 2014
  4. The Spinal Engine. Serge Gracovetsky. 2009
  5. The Well Balanced Child: movement and early learning. Sally Goddard Blythe. 2004
  6. Muscles and Meridians: The Manipulation of Shape. Phillip Beach. 2010
  7. https://www.recode225.com/


📲Lynn’s contact information: 


Email: [email protected] 

Instagram: @LynnGrimmPT  

Twitter: @lynngrimmpt 


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