40- Starting a Private Practice with Brian Gallagher

Oct 29, 2022

💭Get a coach, find a group that puts you in situations where you are going to have to challenge your thought processes, your understandings, and your preconceived ideas, as to what it takes to be a successful practice owner.” - Brian Gallagher


👉🏻 Our guest is Brian Gallagher PT, President & Founder of MEG Business Management. In 1997, Brian founded one of Maryland’s largest therapy staffing companies, while at the same time launching a multi-site private practice which resulted in a sale in 2006. Brian re-acquired the practice in 2008, thus doubling it, before winning “Practice of the Year” in 2011. MEG Business Management began in 2006 as an educational coaching company training owners and their key employees on innovative practice management strategies. MEG has taken a major leap forward by developing a Virtual Training platform where practice owners can now have the tools & training resources to professionally enhance, track and manage employee performance & compliance. MEG also provides leading PT Billing solutions, Credentialing services, and Website Design support for marketing. 


📚What will you learn:

▪️ Brian's story and career

▪️ Starting a private practice

▪️ Important details when opening a practice

▪ What to focus on to be successful

▪️ Priorities when opening your business

▪️Advice to clinicians that are starting their careers

▪️ How to become successful in Physical Therapy


📲Brian’s contact information:





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