38 - Combining GOATA and MDT with Dr. Scott Holmes

Oct 27, 2022

💭”In a lumbar derangement, you get the footwork cleaned up, get the feet straight, put the weight on the outside edges of your feet and the PAIN is less and the derangement reduces faster.” - Dr. Scott Holmes

👉🏻 Our guest is Dr. Scott Holmes PT, DPT, Cert MDT, GOATA (Greatest of All Time Athletes/Actions) credentialed. Scott is the sole owner of Holmes Physical Therapy and practices in Milan, TN, as well as utilizing telehealth services. Much of his training in MDT was while he worked for Integrated Musculoskeletal Care (IMC) in Tallahassee, FL. In his practice, he meshes the two systems of GOATA and MDT as he thinks they are a perfect match as the mindset is the same. Since utilizing GOATA he has noticed a trend that many individuals who he used to refer out for medications, imaging, or injection are now responding to MDT + GOATA.


📚What will you learn:

▪️ Scott's story and career

▪️ What is GOATA

▪ Applying GOATA in your practice

▪️ Combining GOATA and MDT

▪️Advice to clinicians that are starting their careers

▪️ How to become successful in Physical Therapy


🔎Scott's favorite resource of information:

  1. Rapidly Reversible Low Back Pain, Ronald Donelson 
  2. JMMT - The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, google scholar 
  3. The McKenzie Institute 


📲Scott's contact information:


Email: [email protected]


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