24 -Shoulder Diagnosis with Dr. Angela Cadogan

Oct 10, 2022

💭”Diagnosis from the Greek means, discern or differentiate between different conditions. And now we, clinicians, use it more to describe the process of trying to determine the nature and cause of the patient presenting symptoms.” - Dr. Angela Cadogan


👉🏻 Our guest is Dr. Angela Cadogan, Ph.D., NZRPS. Angela is an NZ registered Specialist Physiotherapist based in Christchurch, New Zealand. She has a Ph.D. in Musculoskeletal Diagnostics investigating the diagnostic accuracy of clinical examination and imaging tests for specific shoulder conditions. She runs her own private practice where she works as a consultant physiotherapist and provides diagnostic and management review and specialist rehabilitation for people with complex shoulder conditions. She also works in an Orthopaedic Triage role in the shoulder service and runs online shoulder courses for physiotherapists in the diagnosis and management of shoulder conditions. Angela has an interest in advanced practice roles for physiotherapists and helping to upskill practitioners in the diagnosis and management of shoulder conditions to help fulfill emerging roles within the health system.


📚What will you learn:

▪️ Angela's story and career

▪️ What is diagnosis

▪️ Diagnosis of shoulder pain

▪️ The need for screening

▪️ What to do when the diagnosis is not clear

▪️Advice to clinicians that are starting their careers

▪️How to become successful in Physical Therapy


🔎Angela's favorite resource of information:

  1. Online Shoulder Courses (Diagnosis of Shoulder Pain) https://musculoskeletal.courses/courses/shoulder 
  2. Free Shoulder Rehabilitation Exercise book: https://www.shoulderdoc.co.uk/documents/Shoulder-Rehab-Book-v4-book.pdf 
  3. Hegedus EJ, Goode A, Campbell S, Morin A, Tamaddoni M, Moorman CT, et al. Physical examination tests of the shoulder: A systematic review with meta-analysis of individual tests. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2008; 
  4. Hegedus EJ, Goode AP, Cook CE, Michener L, Myer CA, Myer DM, et al. Which physical examination tests provide clinicians with the most value when examining the shoulder? Update of a systematic review with meta-analysis of individual tests. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2012 

📲Angela`s contact information:









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