123 - Achilles Tendinopathy Physical Therapy Management with Dr. Peter Malliaras

Dec 07, 2023

💭 “The Heavy Slow Resistance Program is most likely to bring about improvements in strength.” - Dr. Peter Malliaras


👉🏻 Our guest, Dr. Peter Malliaras, PT, PhD, is a physical therapist and researcher from Melbourne, Australia focusing on the problem of tendinopathy. He is a Professor at Monash University's Physiotherapy Department and is involved in multiple tendinopathy research projects in Australia and internationally. His research focuses on understanding pain and neuromuscular impairments, and clinical trials testing the efficacy of exercise and other interventions in tendinopathy. Peter maintains a strong clinical focus, consulting with people with difficult tendinopathy presentations.


📚You will learn about:

▪️ Peter's story and career

▪️ The potential causes and mechanisms of mid-portion and insertional Achilles tendinopathy

▪️ Characteristics and symptoms associated with Achilles tendinopathy.

▪️ Achilles tendinopathy diagnosis

▪️ Various exercise approaches that can be recommended


🔎Peter's favorite resource of information:



📲 Peter's contact information:

  • Twitter: @DrPeteMalliaras
  • Website

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