122 - Understanding the McGill Approach with Dr. Stuart McGill.

Nov 28, 2023

💭 If the disc had lost more than 70% of its height, the McKenzie prone press up tended to not vacuum in the disc bulge.- Dr. Stuart McGill.


👉🏻 Our guest is Dr. Stuart McGill, PT, PhD. Stuart is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus (after 32 years at the University of Waterloo, Canada) who authored over 240 scientific journal papers, and 4 books and mentored over 40 graduate students during this scientific journey. Investigations in the laboratory, training center, and back pain experimental research clinic probed back injury and pain mechanisms, rehabilitation approaches, and performance training. As a consultant, he has provided expertise on low back injury to various government agencies, many corporations and legal firms, and hundreds of professional/international athletes and teams worldwide. He is regularly referred to special patient cases from the international medical community for opinion. Many of the athlete clients have returned set records and won international competitions in many sports. His books include Back Mechanic, written for the lay public with pain (also in 20 languages), Low Back Disorders, third edition (2016), written for clinicians, Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance, 2017, written for coaches and athletes, Gift of Injury (2018), a manual for rehabilitating the back-injured strength athlete. His work has been recognized with many awards including the Order of Canada (2020) for international leadership in back pain issues.


📚You will learn about:

▪️ Stuart's story and career

▪️ The different mechanisms of back pain

▪️ The most common causes and cases of back pain

▪️ Treatment strategies

▪️ Dr. McGill’s opinion on press ups

▪️ Lumbar flexion different back/disc mechanics in Yoga versus weightlifters

🔎Stuart's favorite resource of information:


📲 Stuart's contact information:

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