120 -Pain and the Neuroimmune System with Luke Bongiorno

Nov 07, 2023

💭 “One way is calming the nervous system. Instead of just getting nociceptive information from that body part, you're getting other sensory information. You're changing the input to change the output.” - Luke Bongiorno


👉🏻 Our guest is Luke Bongiorno, PT, MCMT. Luke acquired the directorship of Noigroup in March 2021 from the founders David Butler and Juliet Gore. His physiotherapy journey began with a degree from The University of Melbourne, Australia, followed by a move into clinical practice in New York. In NYC, Luke co-founded New York Sports Medicine which Orthology later acquired. Still, one of New York City’s most prominent physical therapists, Luke’s extensive experience in the management of acute and chronic pain and sports injuries demands that he travel extensively to manage professional and Olympic athletes, as well as touring performing arts/dance company members. He currently serves as a consultant with the NBA League and European soccer professional teams. Luke is also affiliated with the clinical education programs of Columbia University and Touro College. Luke practices a ‘hands-on’ approach combining his advanced manual skills with neuromuscular/exercise and education. He strongly believes that education is fundamental in optimizing patient recovery and performance. He has taught advanced skills courses in Manual Therapy internationally since 2004 and has been on the NOI faculty since 2015. 



📚You will learn about:

▪️ Luke's story and career

▪️ Role of the immune system in pain

▪️ How to influence the immune response

▪️ Addressing pain and the neuroimmune system with our patients

▪️ Advice to clinicians who are starting their careers

▪️ Tips on how to become successful in Physical Therapy

🔎Luke's favorite resource of information:


  • Youtube
  • NoiGroup Website
  • Robert M. Sapolsky. Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers: The Acclaimed Guide to Stress, Stress-Related Diseases, and Coping.2004
  • Benjamin S. Boyd. Bodily Relearning. 2023
  • G. Lorimer Moseley & David S. Butler. Explain Pain Supercharged

📲 Luke's contact information:


Email: [email protected]


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