115 - PTs in the Primary Care Space with Dr. Katie O'Bright

Sep 14, 2023

💭 “ Primary care means you are taking that whole health perspective. All systems, not just orthopedic musculoskeletal. You're taking everything into consideration when you are evaluating and managing these patients. - Dr. Katie O'Bright


👉🏻 Our guest is Katie O'Bright, PT, DPT.  Dr. O’Bright is a board-certified orthopedic Doctor of Physical Therapy, who graduated from Temple University in 2014. Upon graduation, she served in the United States Army as a Captain & physical therapist, primarily working in a multidisciplinary Soldier Centered Medical Home. She furthered her education in the Military Musculoskeletal Residency in 2017, at which point she obtained her OCS. After serving, she was the lead physical therapist at the University of Oklahoma’s Stephenson Cancer Center. In this team-based clinical setting, she enhanced her skills working with individuals with complex needs. Katie moved on to another multidisciplinary primary care practice in Pittsburgh before starting her own cash-based practice. She is a passionate educator who serves as adjunct faculty in several DPT programs. She is also the owner of Redefine Health Education, a continuing education company that focuses on enhancing the primary care and MSK imaging skills of physical therapists. 



📚You will learn about:

▪️ Katie's story and career

▪️ What it means to be a Primary Care Physical Therapist.

▪️ The difference between Direct Access and Primary Care PT

▪️ How to be a Primary Care PT under the insurance model

▪️ Transforming PT Primary Care professional into a standard of care

▪️ What changes need to happen for PTs to work in a first-contact team-base care setting.

▪️ Advice to clinicians who are starting their careers

▪️ Tips on how to become successful in Physical Therapy



🔎Katie's favorite resource of information:



📲 Katie's contact information:

Website: https://www.redefinehealthed.com/

Email: [email protected]  

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