110 - Physical Therapy Management in Primary Headache with Dr. Matteo Castaldo

Jul 25, 2023

💭 “You must first be able to decrease the nociceptive information to the trigemino-cervical complex and then to the upper central nervous system region.” - Dr. Matteo Castaldo

👉🏻 Our guest is Dr. Matteo Castaldo, PT, MSc, Ph.D. Matteo, is a physical therapist, researcher, and educator, focusing on primary headaches and chronic pain. After graduating Physical Therapist in 2007, he took different manual therapy courses, then a Master of Science in Cognitive Neuroscience, and finally obtained a PhD in Biomedical Sciences at Aalborg University (Denmark). Now he works part-time as a clinician treating primary headache patients, and part-time as a researcher focussing on migraine mechanism, profiling, musculoskeletal and somatosensory assessment. He is actively participating in the most important national and international congress on pain and headache, where he presents his work's results. Finally, he is involved in education, teaching different postgraduate courses for PTs on headache management.

📚You will learn about:

▪️ Matteo's story and career

▪️ The difference between primary and secondary headache

▪️ How tension-type headaches differ from migrainea

▪️ Mechanisms involved in headache physiology 

▪️ The role of the Trigeminocervical complex in headaches

▪️ The role of Musculoskeletal dysfunctions in headache management

▪️ How to assess and treat migraines 

▪️ Advice to clinicians who are starting their careers

▪️ Tips on how to become successful in Physical Therapy

🔎Matteo's favorite resource of information:


📲 Matteo's contact information:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Twitter: DrMatCastaldo
  • Facebook: Matteo Castaldo Fisioterapista


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