03 - The Maitland Approach with Dr. Edelberto Marques

Sep 19, 2022

``The Maitland concept provides us with a broad view of new ideas and what is most important for me: freedom of thought, no protocols and that attracted me to continue practicing this concept to this day``. - Edelberto Marques


Our guest is Dr. Edelberto Gimenes Marques, DPT, CMP, MCTA. Dr. Edelberto has been practicing Physical Therapy since 1994 (IBMR) and completed a mini-residency in the Maitland Concept from 1995 to 1997 with Dr. Gordon Cummings. Edelberto became a certified Mulligan Practitioner and an accredited teacher for the Mulligan Concept of manual therapy (MCTA) in 2000. He has an osteopathic formation from the Madrid School of Osteopathy in 2003. Edelberto started being a Maitland Instructor in 2005 and continues to teach this method today. He also has an Acupuncture formation (ABACO) in 2007, and completed a mini-residency in Acupuncture in Beijing University (China) in 2007. He completed his Doctorate in Physiatry in Buenos Aires University (Argentina) in 2008.


What will you learn:

· Edelberto`s story and career

· Experience with the Maitland Approach

· What is Maitland, indications and benefits

· Importance of assessment

· Remarkable outcomes with Maitland

· Maitland`s strengths and weaknesses

· Advice to clinicians that are starting their careers

· How to become successful in Physical Therapy


Edelberto`s favorite resource of information


1. Maitland`s Vertebral Manipulation by G. D. Maitland, Hengeveld, Banks and English

2. The Mulligan Concept of Manual Therapy by Hing, Hall and Mulligan

3. Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists: screening for referral, 5thedition, by Goodman and Snyder

Scientific articles:

· Update every 6 months on PubMed and PEDro.

· Interested in clinical anatomy, vagus nerve/autonomic nervous system (developing a treatment protocol), and headache.


Edelberto contact information:

Email: ⁠[email protected]⁠

Instagram: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/edelberto.marques/⁠

Youtube: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9wqKjGI3bkpDz9Ma5OkWKQ⁠

Website: ⁠https://www.headeneckfisioterapia.com.br/

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